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act June 2022
Según el art. 263 La Casa Animada está exenta de la obligación de publicar un informe de auditoría ya que cumple los tres apartados que permite estar exento de dicha obligación.
Aid for audiovisual production
Complying with the requirements established in the call for aid, La Casa Animada receives in 2019, after reaching the expense stipulated in the call for that annuity and once the audit of accounts has been admitted, the payment of €33,750.
In 2020 La Casa Animada receives €135,000, after reaching the stipulated expense for the 2020 annuity and once audited both the documentation and the accounts corresponding to that year. In 2021 you must receive the remaining €56,150, until the grant awarded is completed, once all production has been audited and it has been verified that the eligible spending commitment has been fully materialized.
En 2021, La Casa Animada finaliza sus obligaciones respecto a la última anualidad de las ayudas de 2019 presentando sus cuentas auditadas y demostrando haber materializado en su totalidad el compromiso de gasto elegible. En este año La Casa Animada no realiza ninguna actividad adicional, no mantiene ningún contrato, convenio o licitación con la Administración Pública de la que deba aportar información, ni informes de auditoría de cuentas y de fiscalización por los órganos de control externo que deba ser comunicada públicamente.
Currently, La Casa Animada does not have any contract, agreement or tender with the Public Administration from which it must provide information, nor audit reports and audit reports by external control bodies.
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